A 1-2-1 career change programme for ambitious professionals to gain clarity & focus, and build a meaningful and fulfilling career

I help people like you purposefully and confidently move their career into a new direction, and find a new job or launch their own side project in the next 3 - 6 months

To find out more, click below to book in your free 30-minute discovery call with me today

What if I said changing careers doesn’t have to be overwhelming and risky?

What you need is less guesswork & more structure…

 Does this sound like you? 

You don’t hate your job, but you don’t love it either, and you can't help but think "there must be more to life than this" .

You feel frustrated to have to pour time and energy into something you don't feel passionate about. 

You feel exhausted and burnt out, and know you can't go on like this much longer. Your health (and maybe even personal relationships) are suffering, or have started to suffer, and that’s a real no-go for you. 


You’re lacking the clarity to know how to move your career forward and into a new direction. 

I bet you already have some ideas (however vague), but you need more clarity and focus. 

Your ideas are just ideas at the moment, and not tangible enough. 

Perhaps you’ve already been trying to figure out how to make a living off these ideas, but you haven’t cracked the code yet - so to speak. 

Or perhaps these ideas have just been pie in the sky ideas, and you now want to see if you can turn these into a career. 

Is that you? 

Well, then read on… this 1-2-1 career change programme is for you. 

 Go from exhausted, stuck, and unmotivated to confident in your next move

Go from having vague ideas to knowing exactly what you want

Go from not feeling challenged or appreciated Xx to feeling excited, motivated, and passionate about your work

Go from overworked & hustling to being in control & doing things that ‘move the needle’

No more frustration and struggling to figure out what you should be doing next in your career. 

No more wondering if you’re doing the right things, and if you’re taking the right steps. 

No more feeling lost and uncertain about your future. 

No more months and months of trying to pretend you care, and continue to feel exhausted. 

No more endless hours on LinkedIn, trying to find a new job that ticks all the boxes. 

 Take away the stress, frustration and struggle of changing careers, and give yourself the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you’re doing all the right things. 

Save yourself months (perhaps even years!) of trying to figure it out by following a tried and tested career change method. 

Feel guided and supported as you confidently navigate through your career change with clarity and focus. 

Hi, I’m Iris Smyth, an ex-corporate professional turned career transition coach. 

I once was in your shoes. I know what it’s like to be in a job or career that no longer feels right for you. 

Fortunately I have been able to turn my career (and life!) around.  

I went from being tied to the office in London to having total freedom, and relocating with my husband and two sons to the beautiful Cape Winelands in South Africa. 

From feeling uninspired, unchallenged, and unmotivated to feeling excited and passionate about the work I do. 

My work and career is getting the best out of me (in so many ways), and it’s aligned with how I want to live my life. 

I know this is possible for you to, and I’m here to show you how to do it - but so much faster than I did it. 

Because here’s the truth: it took me YEARS to move my career into a new direction, and feel established in it. 

I was following the traditional career change methods, and I’ve since learnt that these methods are outdated and not very effective. 

Sadly a lot of career coaches, career counsellors, and career change books still follow the traditional methods. These methods tend to overcomplicate the career change process, and as a result people feel stuck, lost and unable to move forward. 

I now know that there’s a better way.

Let me help you gain clarity and focus, and move your career in a new direction using a research backed, tried and tested, method that’s helped thousands of people successfully change careers. 

Through working with me you’ll:

  • gain clarity and focus, and understand the direction or field of work you want to move into next

  • learn the best tools and strategies to enable you to purposefully move your career into that new direction, and do so with confidence in yourself and your abilities

  • transform vague ideas into possible career paths or side/passion projects

  • explore ideas you already have, and determine which one(s) to ditch and which one(s) to pursue

  • start or grow your side/passion project, and quickly find out if it has potential 

  • learn how to leverage your passions, skills, and talents, so you can excel in your new career path

  • create a strong new career narrative, so that you can confidently communicate your career transition story when you meet new people and expand your professional network

  • discover fun and non-cringey ways to meet and have conversations with new people, and develop your professional network in a way that benefits your career 

  • learn how to get access to the hidden job market and get companies to create jobs specifically for YOU

  • develop a variety of strategies to finance-proof your transition and feel financially in control


For this 1-2-1 full career change programme working with me to guide you every step of the way to take control over your career, and build a career that you’re genuinely proud of

1 payment of £1297

3 payments of £447

Find out more, click below to book in your free 30-minute discovery call with me today

 “I started working with Iris when I had been in a new job for a few months but was really struggling in my role. I didn’t feel like the work was right for me. Now I am in a new job that I love, but not only that - I now have a side business that has also given me a wonderful sense of fulfilment and joy in my life.” - Ashleigh Bell

 Isn’t it time to feel guided and supported, and have a knowledgeable expert in your corner? 

Find out more, click below to book in your free 30-minute discovery call with me today