
“I was lucky to be part of a Career Change Accelerator led by Iris.

The experience was truly transformational, both in terms of mindset and results.

I've gone from finding work a huge stressor, to being energised and fulfilled by my work.

I'm immeasurably more capable of taking control of my career and creating personal opportunities and couldn't be more thankful for the sustainable change she helped to bring about.

— Claire Osborne, ICF Coach, London

“I started working with Iris when I had been in a new job for a few months but was really struggling in my role. I didn’t feel like the work was right for me. I was really unhappy and struggling to get through each day at work - feeling unmotivated and losing my confidence. 

Through working with Iris, I gained clarity in what the next steps would be to finding a solution to my current situation and we began to work on a roadmap for my longer-term goals.

I have come so far in my career from where I was - in a job that was completely unsuited to me and affected by social and home life too. Now I am in a new job that I love, but not only that - I now have a side business in yoga teaching that has also given me a wonderful sense of fulfilment and joy in my life.

I never thought it was possible to do it. 

The best part of working with Iris is that after ever session you gain clarity, insight and make progress. Some of the work is focused on reflection or more personal / inner work, while for other projects such as with yoga, the tasks are more ‘business’ and strategy focused. 

Working with Iris allowed me to bring my whole self to the table, not just one element of me or my career and for that reason I’ve seen progress that I couldn’t have even imagined at the time!”

— Ashleigh Bell, Boa Yoga, London

“Last year I had a 1:1 coaching session with Iris when I was thinking of launching my business, Sweat Social. I have dreamed of starting my own business for years but just didn't know how to get started.

The one hour Skype session with Iris really gave me the direction and courage to just START which is exactly what I did.

Sweat Social has grown steadily over the past 8 months and some of the insights Iris provided, especially on pricing, providing a consistent experience for my customers and working with vendors were just bang on.

Thanks so much Iris, highly recommend this service to anyone looking to start a business!”

— Kelly Gibson, Founder of Sweat Social, Australia

“Before working with Iris I was at the point of dreading going into work, but not knowing what I’d do if I didn’t. In my forties, I felt my age prevented a career change and my skills were limited. Within one session, my mindset changed.

I’ve gained so much confidence in my abilities, learnt that reaching out to people can lead to new paths I’d never considered, but, regardless, people want to help.

When applying for jobs, or trying to make contacts in a field, Iris has armed me with gems that make me stand out to employers. Best of all, Iris helped me realise where to find the crux of what employers are looking for in their ads. HINT: it’s not in the job spec! 

With Iris’ guidance and fresh perspective, it turned out a role I had ruled out was actually viable. As a result, I have a new focus and am excited about my future. I might not get another job tomorrow, but the urgency has gone, and I know where I am headed next.
Iris is so knowledgeable, genuine, and fun to work with. She really cares and goes on the journey with you. I can't thank or rave about her enough.”

— T Russell, London, United Kingdom

“Working with Iris was one of the best experiences of my life so far, no exaggeration. As well as being warm, friendly and funny, she is extremely good at what she does.

In just a few sessions Iris helped me to discover what I’m good at, identify my goals, and inspire me towards a clear direction.

Since working with Iris, I have already started achieving my goals. For example, I told Iris I wanted to be paid to write, and not do the same old thing any more.

I am now working full time as a professional copywriter, as well as a freelance journalist being published on a regular basis.

My journey is far from over, and it’s rarely easy, but Iris helped me set off in the right direction and helped me see how to take action in my life.

I wish I could have Iris always on hand to offer advice, support, encouragement — and a swift kick, when needed — in all areas of my life.”

— James, Freelance Writer, Perth, Australia

“Iris is an amazing and inspiring coach - during the time we worked together she empowered me to clarify my career goals.

I've now left my corporate job and am pursuing my dream job as a yoga teacher and coach!

I highly recommend Iris as a coach.”

— Monia Piraki, Yoga Teacher, Zurich

“I was fortunate enough to be in the Career Change Accelerator co-run by Iris.

I found her approach to the material to be measured and impactful. Iris' commitment to her clients' well-being and success was also profoundly apparent.

She would follow-up with me and check in to see if her recommendations were helpful.

In addition to her ability to perform with professionalism and make her expertise accessible, she is also approachable, genuine and endearing.

I walked away from the experience with a great wealth of knowledge about myself, a toolkit I could apply to future career decisions, and a friend.”

— Eddie Saade, Coach & Consultant to start-up founders, London

“Iris is a fantastic career coach who is excellent at asking strategic questions, and helping you shape your career direction in a structured organised manner.

I was in the process of changing my career direction at the time I met Iris, and she helped me a lot with support, encouragement and methodical approach to the questions I had in respect to my next career move.

I am now in a new job which I really enjoy, looking at the next steps I'd like to take on my career path and feeling much more confident, energised and optimistic about my abilities, and my work related future.

Very grateful for the support and coaching Iris had provided on my journey.

- Natalya Z, London, United Kingdom

“I came across Iris's page on social media, and after debating whether to try career coaching out, I finally took the plunge and got in touch with Iris about some sessions. Iris gave me a free taster/intro session, which was very useful to get an insight into the process, and after thinking about it, I decided to sign up for more.

We met monthly via skype, and the sessions were highly effective. Iris would set me challenges and tasks, and this made me feel accountable and responsible - after all, Iris couldn't make the changes for me, I had to do this myself - Iris just gave me the confidence and tools to help me make the changes.

Iris was very approachable, non-judgemental, professional, and never wasted any time.

Throughout the sessions, I could tell that Iris genuinely wanted to help.

By the end of my package of sessions, Iris had given me lots to think about, and had refreshed my mindset.

The results?

👉 I ended up signing up for a course I had been "umming and arrring" about for some time - I JUST DID IT!
👉 I went on to get a promotion at work that year.
👉 I finally got myself on the property ladder.

All of this came about, I believe, from the confidence that Iris had unlocked within me! Fear was stopping me from doing the things that I wanted to, and this was a big revelation from the sessions with Iris.

If you feel stuck, whether it be in your career, general life goals, or whatever else, give Iris a try. You won't regret it!”

— B Patel, London, United Kingdom

“We (at Escape the City) were so lucky to find Iris. She has done an amazing job of running both our Career Change & Startup Accelerators and in turn helping accelerate hundreds of talented professionals into work that matters to them and the world.”

— Dominic Jackman, Co-founder @ Escape The City, London

Interested in working with me? Book a free 30-minute initial consultation to find out if we’re a good fit.

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