Hi, I’m Iris!

Career change is my jam.

I’m here to help you find a new job, and build career that you love and care about, and that you can thrive in.

Choose the next step that’s right for you

How To Find The Right Job/Career when changing careers

Learn how to successfully change careers

Every week I post fresh new videos to help you change careers. In these videos I share tried-and-tested tips & strategies, so you can say goodbye to an unfulfilling job or career that leaves you feeling exhausted, bored, uninspired, and hollow.


Work With Me 1:1

Life’s short, and you don’t want to waste any (more) time doing work that doesn’t motivate, challenge, or interest you.

Maybe you already have some ideas about something else you want to do.

Maybe you don’t, and you don’t have no idea where to start.

Whatever your starting point, let me help you find a job or career that you care about, and that challenges you to your full potential.

Book in a free 30 minute consultation to find out more about how you can work with me 1:1.

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I got you! Sign up to my emails so you’ll always have something to keep you on track.

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Hi, I’m Iris!

I help smart, ambitious, but unfulfilled professionals change careers.

If you’re finding it harder and harder to muster up the enthusiasm for your job, and perhaps have been thinking ‘is this really all there is?’, you’ve come to the right place.

I’m here to help you transition into a new career that makes you feel excited about work again.

I wholeheartedly believe work can be enriching, fun, and rewarding. It can be a vehicle through which you can make an impact, a difference (however small or big).

Work is supposed to fill your cup, not drain it.

Don’t waste your time here on earth doing something that isn’t right for you (anymore).

So let’s figure out what you want to do with the rest of your career.

I’ll show you the way, and will lay out the steps for you to make this transition as fast and easy as possible.


Read what people have said about working with me HERE

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